Download the PDF file by clicking here Call Upon His Name
World’s Last Chance is committed to presenting truth and truth alone as it is discovered from Scripture. Many organizations and individuals choose to ignore or bury any new truth that disagrees with their previously stated beliefs, assuming that people will lose faith in them if they have to make a course correction. When printed in books, preached to congregations or posted on a website, long-held beliefs seem cast in concrete.
World’s Last Chance believes that truth is ever advancing and has covenanted to bring to its website advancing truth as it unfolds. There will be, therefore, older material that may seem inconsistent with newer postings. However, it is felt that the other truths in the previously written articles are still important and should not be taken off and discarded because of that inconsistency.
An example is the use of the corrected name of the Creator, Yahuwah, and His Son, Yahushua. There are many articles, videos and eCourses on World’s Last Chance that still have the names as Jesus, God, Lord, etc. These will be corrected as time allows, but there is so much new material to be written that the WLC Team has chosen to move on to posting new material, before all previous material has been corrected.
Scripture says that the Creator winks at the times of our ignorance (Acts 17:30). How kind and understanding that is! If you come across places where the old pagan names are used, kindly send us a copy of the URL and the offending paragraph for our correction.
Most people are used to hearing the heavenly Father called "God." That is not His name, though! In Bible times, He was never called that. "God" was the word the pagan Teutonic people of Northern Europe used for their demonic objects of worship. When they were Christianized, they simply switched the word from their demon gods to the Creator. Hardly a way to honor the heavenly Father!
When a word is transferred from one language to another, it is either translated or transliterated. When it is translated the meaning of the word is transferred. When it is transliterated it is the sound of the word that is transferred. The transliteration of the Father’s personal name, as given in scripture, is actually YHWH, pronounced Yahuwah. The translation of this name is I Am That I Am. It implies that the One who bears the name is self-existent from eternity past to eternity future. When Moses asked how he should answer when the Israelites asked who had sent him to them, the reply was: "I AM THAT I AM . . . Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you." (Exodus 3:14)
While "Jesus" is commonly used to refer to the Son, it is actually from the Greek "Iesus," which refers to the pagan god, Zeus. The name of Yahuwah’s Son is very much like His own: Yahushua. As with the Father's own personal, divine name, the importance of the Son's name is found in its definition. The beautiful meaning contained in the Saviour's name is an all-encompassing revelation of the mighty salvation offered sinners. Yahushua means:
- Yahuwah Save! (A cry for help to the only One who can help.)
- Yahuwah Saves! (A joyous statement of fact.)
- Yahuwah Saving (An present-tense immediate action.)
- Yahuwah's Salvation (An all-encompassing statement of who and what the Saviour is.)
When the angel Gabriel was sent to Mary to tell her she would bear Yahuwah’s Son, he told her what to name the Baby: "You will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Yahushua." (Luke 1:31) Joseph was told the same thing by the angel: "You shall call His name Yahushua for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)
In Scripture, there are over 360 names or titles for the Father and the Son, from The Rose of Sharon, to The Provider. Other names applied to the Father and the Son are: The Lily of the Valley, My Shepherd, My Healer, My Banner (in War), My Guide, My Light, My Bread, My Life. Elohim, or El, means The Mighty One. In ancient times, parents would name their children under the inspiration of Yahuwah. This is seen in the many names which contain references to Yahuwah (Yah) and El.
World’s Last Chance uses Yahuwah’s and Yahushua’s true names, rather than the names and titles originally applied to pagan gods.
However, His holy name should always be used carefully and with the utmost reverence and respect. Yahuwah’s words have power! Scripture reveals that the Almighty One is so powerful that even His words are powerful enough to do what the word is. (See Isaiah 55:11.) This is why, when He created the world, all He had to do was speak: "Let there be light," and there was light! To say the very name which the Almighty Creator has given Himself is to speak a holy word that contains infinite power. When the holy angels speak His name, they cover they faces out of respect for it is holy and mighty like the One to whom it refers.